In 2016, President Obama signed into law the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA). HOTMA touched upon a broad range of topics. The housing law was enacted to expand housing providers’ ability to develop housing for extremely low-income households and streamline operational functions for housing providers. The law affected inspections (Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program), income and recertification (public housing and Section 8 programs), over-income tenants (public housing), asset limits (public housing and Section 8 programs), project-based vouchers (Section 8), family unification program (Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program), and reasonable accommodations for an exception payment standard (Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program).
Many of HOTMA’s provisions required HUD to implement regulations. Various provisions of HOTMA were implemented by other HUD actions. Most recently, HUD published in the Federal Register proposed changes to the regulations for the public housing, Housing Choice Voucher, and Section 8 project-based rental assistance programs. Comments are due by Nov. 18.
These proposed changes would implement HOTMA Sections 102, 103, and 104. Section 102 changes the requirements regarding income reviews for public housing and HUD’s Section 8 programs, the Housing Choice Voucher program, and the Project-Based Rental Assistance program that assists privately owned multifamily properties. Section 103 modifies the continued occupancy standards of public housing residents whose incomes have grown above the thresholds for initial occupancy. And Section 104 sets maximum limits on the assets of households living in public housing and Section 8 housing. The following is a summary of some of the major provisions of the proposed rules:
> Income Reexaminations
> Calculating Household Income
> De Minimis Errors
> Definition of “Annual Income”
> Adjusted Income
> Over-Income Limit for Public Housing Residents
> Limitations on Assets
The proposed rule can be found at