HUD is offering $150 million in grants to provide affordable housing to approximately 18,000 non-elderly persons living with disabilities. HUD anticipates awarding 300 grants ranging from $20,000 up to $3 million to eligible public housing agencies. HUD’s Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program provides funding to public housing agencies to assist non-elderly persons with disabilities. Agencies are encouraged to partner with health and human services organizations to provide participants with supportive services.
“Making sure people with disabilities have a decent, safe, and affordable place to call home is essential,” said HUD Secretary Ben Carson. “This funding will help our local partners ensure residents with disabilities have the opportunity to fully enjoy their home while living independently.” Targeting housing resources to assist eligible persons with disabilities and their families who are currently experiencing homelessness, have previously experienced homelessness, or are at risk of experiencing homelessness supports the goals of Home Together: The Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.