HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) recently published three of 13 chapters of a revised Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Guidebook. The previous guidebook (7420.10G) is from 2001. According to HUD, the HCV Guidebook is being published as chapters are completed to provide PHAs, families, and other parties with the most current information as soon as possible.
The purpose of the guidebook is to is to be a resource in the administration of the tenant-based housing subsidy programs. The guidebook consolidates into one document the most up-to-date guidance and requirements outlined in multiple publications: regulatory requirements, PIH Notices, Federal Register Notices, and other forms of guidance issued by HUD.
One major improvement in the new guidebook chapters is a footnote with a citation whenever the word “must” is used. In many policy areas, HUD allows PHAs the flexibility to make local policy decisions, so it is important to note when a policy must be adopted as required by HUD.
The three recently released chapters are “Eligibility Determination and Denial of Assistance,” “Moves and Portability,” and “Rent Reasonableness.” The remaining chapters to be released include: Fair Housing Requirements, Eligibility Determination and Denial of Assistance, Waiting List & Tenant Selection, Housing Search and Leasing, HAP Contracts, Payment Standards, Calculating Rent & Housing Assistance Payments (HAP), Utility Allowance, Terminations, Informal Hearings & Reviews, and Special Housing Type.
The Housing Choice Voucher Guidebook webpage can be found by clicking here.