In November 2018, HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) sent a letter to public housing agency (PHA) executive directors notifying them of their intent to reduce HUD’s public housing stock. Because Congress had failed to provide adequate funding for the public housing capital fund for many years, there was an approximate $50 billion backlog at that time in capital improvement needs. HUD cited that backlog as the need to provide PHAs with “additional flexibilities” so that they can “reposition” public housing. HUD’s immediate goal is to “reposition” 105,000 public housing units by September 2019.
In effect, repositioning means reducing the number of homes in the public housing stock. In the letter, HUD listed four means of repositioning public housing: the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD); the demolition of public housing; the facilitation of voluntary conversion of public housing to vouchers; and the retention of assets after a Declaration of Trust release. With two recent notices, HUD is starting to implement and provide guidance for converting public housing to vouchers.
HUD’s Notice PIH 2019-05 sets forth a streamlined process for PHAs with 250 or fewer public housing units to convert their public housing to Section 8 assistance. PHAs can receive Tenant Protection Vouchers (TPVs), which must be offered to tenants as tenant-based assistance, but may be project-based if the tenants agree.
Voluntary conversions happen under Section 22 of the Housing Act. Under current regulations, a PHA seeking to voluntarily convert public housing to vouchers must submit a “conversion assessment” to HUD as part of its regular, annual PHA Plan process. A conversion assessment must have five elements:
The conversion assessment must satisfy three conditions:
However, with this notice HUD is exempting small PHAs from the conversion assessment requirement, except they must still provide an impact analysis. The PHA must still submit a “conversion plan” with its annual PHA Plan and conform to other Section 22 Voluntary Conversion requirements.
To qualify, the PHA must convert all of its public housing units through Section 22 and close out its public housing program after all the units are converted. PHAs without a voucher program must find a willing PHA with a voucher program to administer the vouchers. Applications are processed by the PIH Special Applications Center (SAC) and must include:
Section 33 of the U.S. Housing Act requires PHAs to convert certain distressed public housing units to Section 8 tenant-based assistance if: (1) it would be more expensive to modernize and operate the distressed development for its remaining useful life than to provide tenant-based assistance to all residents; or (2) the PHA can’t assure the long-term viability of the distressed development.
Notice PIH 2019-10 provides guidance on the requirement that PHAs annually review their inventories to determine whether any of their public housing developments or parts of developments meet the criteria for required conversion from public housing.
Public housing units that meet all of the following conditions are considered distressed and subject to required conversion:
Certain units must be excluded from the vacancy rate calculation. These units include:
If a development meets the threshold criteria for required conversion, the PHA must either submit evidence that a conversion plan isn’t required or submit a conversion. The PHA won’t have to undergo required conversion if HUD determines the reasons a property is distressed are temporary and unlikely to reoccur, or if the PHA is able to assure that the development can remain viable.
The PHA can assure the viability of the property by showing it can reasonably revitalize the property, reduce density, or achieve a broader range of household incomes to increase tenant rent. Ultimately, the PHA must be able to prove that it’s less expensive to operate the development as public housing than providing tenant-based assistance.
If a PHA can’t provide evidence that a conversion plan isn’t required, then it must submit an application to HUD’s Special Application Center. PHAs must also develop a conversion plan that removes the public housing units from their inventory in five years or less, unless the PHA applies for and receives an extension. The SAC application must include:
If the PHA opts to convert the units through demolition and disposition, it isn’t required to submit a separate demolition/disposition application.
PHAs will be provided Tenant Protection Vouchers (TPVs) for displaced residents, subject to the availability of funding. HUD determines a PHA’s maximum TPV award based on relevant appropriations and HUD-issued guidance, including the year’s HCV funding implementation notice. PHAs may be eligible for the asset repositioning fee (ARF) for units approved for conversion, but PHAs aren’t eligible to receive demolition disposition transitional funding (DDTF).
If a PHA is removing the last of its public housing units through the proposed conversion, then the PHA must also submit a completed Form HUD-5837 to the SAC.