HUD recently awarded more than $12 million in Healthy Homes Production grants to 13 Tribes and Tribal agencies to protect children and families from home health and safety hazards. The grant funding will assist and protect families by targeting health hazards in 1,300 low-income homes with significant home health and safety hazards. The Healthy Homes Production grant program has a demonstrated history of success, filling critical needs in communities where no other resources exist to address substandard housing that threatens the health of the most vulnerable residents.
Unsafe and unhealthy homes affect the health of millions of people of all income levels, geographic areas, and walks of life in the U.S. These homes affect the economy directly, through increased utilization of health care services, and indirectly through lost wages and increased school days missed. Housing improvements help prevent injuries and illnesses, reduce associated health care and social services costs, reduce absentee rates for children in school and adults at work, and reduce stress, all of which help to improve the quality of life.