A recent HUD Memo announced Secretary Ben Carson’s consideration of revising the agency’s mission statement and removing anti-discrimination language and promises of inclusive communities. The modified mission statement reads: “HUD’s mission is to ensure Americans have access to fair, affordable housing and opportunities to achieve self-sufficiency, thereby strengthening our communities and nation.” The draft statement removes previous references to creating “inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination.”
According to reports, the memo was circulated to senior political staff at HUD and sought input on the changes. This potential change to the mission statement follows several other decisions by Secretary Carson regarding fair housing, including HUD’s suspension of the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule earlier this year. Carson also tried to delay implementing an Obama-era rule that would give low-income families in two dozen metro regions greater access to housing in more affluent neighborhoods, where they would benefit from better schools, lower crime rates, and more job opportunities. But a federal judge ordered HUD to comply with that rule starting January.