The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) estimates that President Trump’s 2018 budget proposal would allow HUD to raise rents for up to four million HUD-assisted low-income families. According to the analysis, the budget would increase rents by:
The budget also proposes to block payment increases due to owners of subsidized housing to keep pace with rising operating costs or market rents. While that would not directly raise tenant rents, it could cause owners to stop participating in subsidy programs, leaving families vulnerable to displacement.
The study predicts the Trump budget proposals would authorize HUD to raise rents on 4 million low-income families by an average of $84 a month (not counting the cut in enhanced vouchers or the unspecified voucher rent changes). The proposal could result in an average increase of 53 percent ($101 per month) for HUD-assisted households with children, 28 percent ($83 per month) for seniors, and 26 percent ($72 per month) for households headed by a person with a disability. Working households could see an increase of 29 percent ($111 per month). And the increase could be more than $200 per month for 170,000 households.