In response to a leaked internal HUD budget document indicating that the Trump administration is considering more than $6 billion in cuts to HUD programs in FY 2018, Secretary Carson sent an email to agency staff stating that the published numbers are not final and the budget negotiation process is still in its early states.
According to his email: “Today you may have read preliminary HUD FY18 budget negotiations in national media reports. Please understand that budget negotiations currently underway are very similar to those that have occurred in previous years. This budget process is a lengthy, back and forth process that will continue. It’s unfortunate that preliminary numbers were published but, please take some comfort in knowing that starting numbers are rarely final numbers. Rest assured, we are working hard to support those programs that help so many Americans, focus on our core mission, and ensure that every tax dollar is spent wisely and effectively.”
On March 16, the Trump administration released a preliminary 2018 budget proposal. Under the preliminary plan, HUD’s budget would shrink by about $6.2 billion or 13.2 percent to $40.7 billion in FY 2018. The funding levels detailed in the Office of Management and Budget’s blueprint closely match the leaked numbers reported in the media a week ago.
The budget proposal would eliminate funding for the Community Development Block Grant program. Also recommended for elimination are the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, the Choice Neighborhoods program, and the Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program. The administration appears to have maintained funding levels for subsidized-housing programs. However, local housing authorities might be forced to scale back the number of housing vouchers because of inflation and rising housing costs. That could mean a loss of up to 200,000 subsidized housing vouchers in coming years, according to flat-funding estimates.