HUD recently announced that it’s making $2 million available to support research to develop and improve methods for the identification and control of key residential health hazards. Key hazards include issues such as pest infestation, poor indoor air quality, injury prevention, mold and excess moisture, and lead in drinking water. It’s especially important to protect vulnerable populations, such as children, seniors, and people with chronic illnesses such as asthma, from exposure to these hazards.
HUD's Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes promotes local efforts to eliminate dangerous lead paint and other housing-related health and safety hazards from lower income homes, stimulate private sector investment in lead hazard control, support cutting-edge research on methods for assessing and controlling housing-related health and safety hazards, and educate the public about the dangers of hazards in the home. The grants to states and local governments, institutions of higher education, and both for-profit and nonprofit organizations are being offered through HUD's Healthy Homes Technical Studies Grant Program.