Thirty-nine local public housing agencies across the country will continue to enjoy significantly greater flexibility to operate their federally funded housing programs following HUD’s recent announcement. Existing agreements under HUD’s Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program for 39 public housing authorities (PHAs) will now continue in effect until 2028.
MTW gives housing agencies exemptions from many existing requirements associated with their public housing and voucher programs, as well as more flexibility with how they use their federal funds. The 20-year-old demonstration also allows agencies to propose and test innovative, locally designed approaches to administering housing programs and self-sufficiency strategies.
The MTW demonstration has three goals: (1) reducing costs while achieving greater cost-effectiveness; (2) providing families with incentives to become economically self-sufficient; and (3) increasing housing choices for low-income families. While MTW agencies have considerable flexibility, they must still abide by all other federal rules and regulations, including the Fair Housing Act, the Civil Rights Act, labor standards, environmental rules, procurement guidelines, demolition and disposition procedures, and relocation regulations.