HUD recently released a new version of the HUD Form 91067—VAWA Addendum. With the exception of the expiration date, the content of the form has not changed from its previous version.
A site owner must have a VAWA lease addendum for all current and new tenants. Although HUD provides a VAWA lease addendum (HUD Form 91067), this isn’t a mandatory form. Owners can incorporate the VAWA protections in the lease and forms, or create a lease addendum with the required language.
Therefore, if you’re currently using a version of the VAWA Addendum that doesn’t display the expiration date, no action is required. If you’re using a version of HUD Form 91067 that does display the expiration date, on the top right corner of the form, you must immediately begin using the updated version displaying the new expiration date of June 30, 2017.